Our Story

Hi! My name is Cali, I work as an Equine Gestaltist/Cosmetologist and am the Founder of Conscious Effects. My gift is creating experiences and holding space for people while they process their feelings and thoughts. Guiding them in the process so they can move forward in their lives to be more congruent in themselves. Its often our ego that gets in the way of our true spirit. The horses work with me as an active partner, helping me unlock people’s full potential. Once we become more whole within ourselves we become more fulfilled and content. Our horses are our family alongside our two little boys, Hudson and Beckham. Horses bring so much positivity into our lives and have so much to teach us. I stand by them and am enjoying the journey they take us on.

Hi, My name is Slim, I have been around horses my whole life and love the process of working with them from start to finish. I work as a professional Pick Up man. I enjoy starting and finishing all of our own colts. Our horses are like family and are very versatile and grounded. Working from all areas including the rodeo arena, ranch and programs with people. I look forward to continuing working on horses to get them ready for others and myself to enjoy in whichever field they choose.

Slim and I live with our two son’s Hudson & Beckham at our cozy home south of Maple Creek. We raise horses and enjoy helping my parents on the family ranch. We are grateful to be able to work and create full time from our home. This has been a goal in both our visions for a long time. Raising our boys has been the biggest gift and experience for us. We love watching them grow and supporting them in what they enjoy. They have been big helpers in creating and delivering our Kid programs, helping us to think like a kid and giving us honest feedback when needed. We travel across Canada as a family with our horses for Slim to work as a Pick Up Man with Macza Pro Rodeo and Bar C5. The kids love our adventures and I love watching Slim in unison with the horses. It is a big accomplishment for the horses to go from babies to the big show with the responsibility of picking up. Every year we have new up and comers that are ready to join the A team to get the experience to add to their resume. My training in Gestalt has been a huge benefit to our success with horses, being able to gain more perspective and awareness. We are always learning and practicing to become a better horseman and person, as you may know, that is a never ending journey. We are so grateful to be able to have horses in our lives and bring different experiences to others to spread the joy and give back.

If you are looking for a horse to bring into your life as a companion, working or pleasure horse, contact us. We are constantly working with our young stuff as they grow up and each horse has a different path. Reach out and we will see if we have a horse for you.

Our Growing Journey

Our horses have always been our best friends and through rodeo brought us together. They continue bringing us closer, helping us grow through daily lessons. We find raising children and horses is much the same as far as constant self awareness and balancing between nurturing and boundaries. I am very grateful for the way our life is always changing and guiding us. The biggest lesson I have learned and continue to learn is that the love you have for yourself (spirit) will transform your whole life! Love is a rippling effect. It starts with yourself, growing like a garden. Blossoming the more you nurture and water it, pruning when needed. Horses are the most efficient and honest teachers for self awareness. I am honored to have my gestalt training to work with horses and deepen people’s healing processes. Slim and I are very passionate and determined in life. We are grateful for what we have learned and enjoy being present in the process as we continue to unravel our full potential!